Monday, February 2, 2009

Abbie's Surprise!

Abbie has been asking for her own room for years.  A few years ago I told her that maybe when she turns eight years old she could have her own room.  Back then her turning eight seemed really far away.  Well the years flew by and here we are with an eight year old (well officially next monday).  While she was at Disneyland last week we transformed her room into her very own.  We took down the bunk beds, and moved Avery and Aliza in together.  I'm still not quite sure how that is going to work out, but we will give it a try for a few weeks.  When she got home last night this is what she came home to. 

We tried to listen to  her ideas over the past weeks and this is what we came up with.  We just kept our fingers crossed that she would love it.

Abbie loves art, and loves hanging her artwork EVERYWHERE.  So I decided that she needed a HUGE magnet board so she would have somewhere to put her masterpieces.   My dad ended up making this one for her and he did a great job.  Avery and I spent a day painting it, and adding all the details.  She wanted everything green since that is her favorite color.  We decided instead of paining to go with a green bed spread and green lamps.  Painting will have to come at a later date (It really does need it).  We looked everywhere for green curtains, but they were nowhere to be found.  If I only knew how to sew.

Another request was her very own desk.  Again we couldn't find a green chair, but pink is one of her favorites too.  She was thrilled and we were relieved that it passed the test.  I keep finding her just sitting in her room with the door closed.  It really was time for her to have her own space.  We need to find a home with another bedroom upstairs to let everyone have their own room.  I suggested moving one or two of them to the basement, but that idea was shot down quickly. Maybe in a few years that won't seem so scary.  Happy Early Birthday Abbie!!!


Jenni S

CUTE!!! I'm glad she loves it, I sure do. How fun.

The Kohler Family

You don't need to find a home anywhere missy, right here is just fine!!!!!! But I know how you feel.. I dont know what we are going to do when the girls want their own rooms...At 9 and 5 I'm thinking there about ready too!

Beverly B.

So Fun! I'm so excited for her.

Julie Hunt

How cute! What a PERFECT present for an 8 year old. Is she really that old already? How fast time flies!


What a lucky girl...such a fun surprise! I bet she was so excited. You guys are such fun parents to do exactly what she wanted and all while she was away! Cute!! =)


What a nice suprise! You guys are so great-- I bet she was thrilled!


What a darling room! You have motivated me to want to decorate my girls rooms! How lucky is Abbie!

Kent and Julie

That is so fun!! I hope she LOVES it!


Kenzy - it is adorable! I'm so glad you posted pictures! You guys really have a knack for decorating and picking out things that go so well together - want to do my house? :) I bet Abbie loves it!


DARLING!!! You did a great job! (As always!) What a fun surprise for her, you are such a fun mom.