Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mt. Charleston

A few Saturday's ago we decided to take a one hour drive to Mt. Charleston for a hike. We had heard that there was a little bit of snow on the mountains, so we didn't know quite what to expect. We didn't see any snow, but they were getting all of the ski slopes ready for the winter season. It was still fun to see the ski lodge and get more familiar with the area.

Where we chose to hike wasn't the most beautiful in terms of tall trees with fall leaves, but we made the most of it. It was the perfect temperature outside for hiking. My favorite part of the hike was eating pine nuts right from the pine cones on the ground. The girls had so much fun picking out the nuts and eating them all along the trail. It reminded me of my cute Grandpa Kent who would always have pine nuts at his house whenever we would visit. It was so fun to remember him and share some stories about him with my girls while we hiked.

Even little Lizzie did great on the hike. She only asked for Micah and I to carry her through a small section. She loved picking out walking sticks all along the way. She would walk with one for awhile and then discard it for a new one.

We always have to squeeze in a silly picture.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Continued.....

Our Halloween festivities felt like they just kept going and going this year. I didn't realize how much I really do love Halloween. I was just as excited as the kids to figure out their costumes and decorate the house. We started out the festivities with a school trunk or treat and carnival. Their new school really does know how to throw a party. I'm always shocked at how much time and money they put into all activities.

Aliza had her face painted at the festival. She was thrilled with her kitty whiskers. We also attended a ward trunk or treat, and Aliza's nursery teacher was kind enough to invite us over for a little get together.

Because we didn't head home to visit family for Halloween like I had originally planned, we decided to have a little party for the girls instead. We had so much fun planning and buying fun supplies for the party.

We had pizza, breadsticks that looked like fingers w/blood dipping sauce, and cupcake eyeballs.

The mummy wrap was very popular this year considering they did it at each of the school parties too. Each group decided who they were going to wrap. It just so happened that they picked Abbie, Avery and Aliza to be mummified. I had to keep checking to make sure they could breath.

Avery the mummy.

Abbie the mummy.

It wouldn't be a Halloween party without the doughnut on a string game. Micah tied three at a time on a stick. It was so funny to watch each of them try to eat the doughnut.

It was taking them so long that we finally had to give a time limit and then decide between the three which was the winner.

Aliza was begging and begging to give it a try. We finally tied one for her and this is what she did. Smart girl :)

Bobbing for apples was fun, but wet. I didn't expect them to get as wet as they did. We had a great Halloween, and the girls are already talking about what they want to dress up as next year.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Costumes 2010

It's so hard when the stores start putting out the Halloween costumes in August. My kids start thinking about Halloween way too early, and change their minds several times in those few months. So this is what we ended up with after all was said and done.

Abbie was a very cute witch for a few of our Halloween parties, and then after her tights ripped at school she was a pirate (from last year). I really loved these tights that she picked and couldn't resist buying them really early. It's a good thing she didn't change her mind.

Avery was originally going to be Hannah Montana, but then switched to her vampire costume from last year when we pulled it out of our Halloween costume bin. I was happy to take the Hannah costume back and save some money by reusing an old costume. She did have some great vampire teeth for the parade at school.

Our little Lizzie wanted to be a mermaid for months. I finally caved and bought her this Ariel costume when I realized she was not going to change her mind. It must be a popular costume for her age because three out of the six girls in her preschool class were mermaids. She was in heaven with this costume on. She was even caught several times walking with quite a little sway in her step while wearing it. She was too cute!

Carving Pumpkins

I love how every year when we carve pumpkins getting all the seeds out is quite an experience. There is a constant Ewwww and Yuuuuck coming from the girls. Aliza was especially grossed out by the glop inside. She finally politely asked if we could just do it for her.

It is a yucky mess, but Micah makes us toasted pumpkin seeds which makes all the digging and yucky hands worth while.

Abbie was insistent that we take a pumpkin head picture. Very nice!

This is Aliza trying to smile like her pumpkin. She told Micah she wanted a happy pumpkin with triangle eyes. Unfortunately with the triangle shape eyes he doesn't look so happy. We just won't tell her that.

The final product is always fun to test out with all the lights off in the house. They did a great job carving their pumpkins! Yeah for the yummy toasted pumpkin seeds!