Thursday, February 12, 2009

She finally lost a tooth!

Abbie finally lost her front tooth yesterday at school.  She has been waiting sooo long to lose a tooth.  Her four front teeth on the bottom were pulled out by her dentist, so this is officially the first tooth she has lost on her own.  Being in 2nd grade she has watched all of her friends lose their teeth for years.  It was finally her turn to put her name on the chart at school, and get another visit from the tooth fairy.  I've never seen her so excited to get to sleep like she was last night.  When I came into her room to tuck her in she had her special tooth fairy pillow case on her bed (to make sure the tooth fairy knows there is a tooth under her pillow) and her tooth carefully placed in her tooth treasure box.  As you can see from the picture she was ecstatic.  



Cute! Andrew also just lost his front tooth. So fun to see the gappy smile! Been a long day coming.


Aww...that is so cute! She is so darling!


I'd say she was ecstatic! I can honestly remember the feeling of wanting to lose a tooth - all my friends got to mark the charts in kindgergarten but it took me until 2nd grade as well - but it was worth the wait! How'd she make out with the tooth fairy? :) I remember when 50 cents was SO MUCH money!

Julie Hunt

Congrats Abbie!