Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Silly Aliza

Aliza really  wants to be like her big sisters. In fact, I think she thinks she is as big as her sisters. Over the past few days I took a few pictures of her just being Aliza. She makes me laugh most of the day with her silly actions and words. After her sisters had gone to school I was getting dressed and started wondering where she was. She came out of the bathroom with a huge smile on her face and several head bands in her hair. Of course she kept saying "pretty" and we couldn't remove them for most of the day.

She has turned into quite the little helper around the house. As I was cleaning the other day she of course wanted to help. I was really surprised that she really was helping. She was following me around cleaning up toys and dusting with a rag. She has always loved to vacuum so I let her loose under the sink. She loves to get into the dishwashing detergent and scoop it from there to the dishwasher. As you can imagine we end up with soap everywhere. She did a great job cleaning it up herself.  We really did get dressed after our cleaning.  I promise.

Aliza is really into putting on everyones shoes. We have shoes dragged out all over the house because of her passion for shoes. On this particular day she was insistent that we bring this bike in the house.  She can't reach the peddles yet, so she just sits on it. She really thought she was on a bike ride.

I had to get a shot of her choice of shoes. Who doesn't like flip flops that are five sizes too big with socks. Looks very uncomfortable.

And of course whenever she gets her diaper changed she has to go "potty." It's part of the routine now, and she won't let you forget it. If I were really ambitious I would start potty training, but she isn't even two yet. She really did surprise us when she did go in the potty once. I'm sure it was just a freak accident.  I really hate potty training so I'm procrastinating.  Is that bad?

I really wanted to get a clip of her singing in the car. I just haven't had the camera with me at the right moments this week. Our family (well, the girls) have been listening a lot to the Mamma Mia soundtrack. The music is just fun and upbeat. Aliza has really caught on to some of the songs and sings the words she knows really loud in the car. She will sing kind of a mumble and then yell out the words she knows. It's really funny. I'll get a clip sometime soon.  It's sure fun having our little Aliza around.


Beverly B.

She's so adorable. I love this kid!


What a little sweetheart!!! This age is so fun! I think it's great that she is already sitting on the potty. I haven't even introduced Livi yet.

The Kohler Family

What a cutie!

Jenni S

Cute pictures! She is so funny. I love the head bands in here hair and the flip flops with socks. Katelin has a shoe fetish also. So fun.


Oh my gosh! She is so darn cute and I really can't believe how BIG she is getting!! Sounds like she will be an easy potty trainer and how nice that she wants to help you clean up around the house! Lucky you!! =)