Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Teacher Appreciation

Last week was teacher appreciation week, and I'm so glad it is over. Don't get me wrong, I love these teachers and think they deserve a nice thank you, but it is a lot of work when  you're involved.

Both of my doors I thought turned out cute. Above is the choir teacher door, and Abbie had the idea of making her into a hula girl to fit the Hawaiian theme. I worked hard to keep her modest, and the kids in the school thought it was so funny. Below is Avery's teachers door and I had each of the kids write things they love about her on each of the flower petals. They were a lot of work, but fun too.

I found some cute idea's on Pinterest that we took to the teachers each day for a fun treat/surprise. I wished I would have taken pictures of them, but in the chaos of it all forgot. My favorite was on the last day of Teacher appreciation each student brought one flower to their teacher. I made a really cute vase covered in #2 pencils and a big fun bow to put the flowers in. It was super cute and easy, so I hope I remember it in years to come.


Annette and Del

You are so awesome...I love how you made the Hawaiian lady modest..You go Miss Kenzy!! The doors were fantastic. Hard work but perfect and you made the girls so proud of their talented mom!!


Wow, your doors turned out awesome. You are so creative.


Those doors are so darn cute!! What an awesome mom you are. Also, those teachers are lucky to have your kids in their classes. I also love the idea for the pencil vase. You are awesome!