Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Camping with Grandma and Grandpa

We were so lucky to get one last little get away in before school starting. Grandma and Grandpa Chidester invited us to Trial Lake for a fun camping trip. Though it was cold, we still had a great time.

Abbie was insistent on fishing as much as possible. Her grandpa was so patent with her, and sat by her side the whole time. She never actually caught anything, but had a great time casting her line out over and over again. I don't know how many times he had to redo her line due to bringing it into shore for no reason.

Avery did her fare share of casting also. She didn't enjoy the fishing as much as just hanging out with her grandma. This is a picture of her kicking back and relaxing on the shore.

Aliza was kicking up her feet fishing too. The funny thing was that she would just hold the pole even if the line wasn't in the water. Totally content just thinking she was fishing.

We did sleep in the motor home due to the cold weather. I'm so glad we had a place to keep us warm all night. All six of us crammed into their motor home. We were tightly packed, but warm and cozy.

Avery really enjoyed walking on all the fallen logs. I had a hard time watching her balance beam stunts, but there were no injuries.

Miss copy cat at work enjoying the campfire and smores. Yummy!

This is my cute dad trying to read. I'm sure he didn't get far in his book due to having to fix a fishing line every two minutes.

Yucky worms!!!

What fun memories were made on this trip. I loved how Aliza would say "I saw a munk" whenever the chipmunks came by. Or that Abbie was completely inthralled with lighting and keeping the fire burning. We ate a lot of yummy food, played games, walked, and enjoyed just spending time together. What a great trip!



What a fun time and what a nice Grandpa they have. Very lucky girls.

Jenni S

How cute! Camping really is fun to just be away from everything isn't it?! Cute!