Saturday, May 9, 2009

He did it!

I think I've had a permanent smile on my face for the last few days. He did it!  Micah graduated from the University of Utah with his MBA last night.  We started out the celebrations with a nice dinner at Tucci's restaurant on Thursday night.  We were able to celebrate with both our parents, his grandparents, and our siblings.  We had a nice night out and we were able to sit back, relax, and enjoy being with our family.

The night of the graduation couldn't have gone more smoothly.  I was expecting to have to walk a mile with my three kids in tow due to parking issues and then not find our family in the crowds of people.  But it couldn't have worked out more perfectly.  We pulled right into a great parking spot right next to the Huntsman center.  We were just in time to watch Micah follow the bagpipes into the stadium, and thanks to cell phones we were all able to sit together to watch the ceremony (thanks again mom for lending me your phone).

These are our girls watching the bagpipes and procession of the graduating students.

I'm so glad that we were able to get a shot of this graduate team.  These four stuck together through project after project and class after class together.  Through the two years they have formed great friendships.  (Aaron, Micah, Cynthia, and Sam)

I expected there to be a lot of graduates, but holy cow they were even up on the stadium seating.  It included all the graduate and undergraduate students from the business school.

We had to do something to keep them busy during the very long ceremony.

Doesn't he look great?  I can see the relief in his eyes, or maybe they are just watery from the very strong smell of his lei.  It was very powerful.

Our Family. We can't wait to spend more time together now that he is done. He can't use the excuse of "I have homework" any longer.

Watch out, this will be our next graduate.


Beverly B.

Yeah! I'm so happy for you guys!


Awesome! I am in the same boat as you...Jeff finishes his degree in a couple weeks...Yay!
So, I am retarded, but what exactly is a PMBA?
Can you tell I did not go to a day of college? =)


YAY!!!! Tell him congratulations!!! That is so great! I am so happy for him and your family.


Congratulations! I had no idea. I know that feeling of relief to have it over and done with. Yippee!

The Kohler Family

Sweet!!! Congratulations!!

Julie Hunt

CONGRATS! What an accomplishment!


Oh, that is just so wonderful for you guys! I am smiling for you too! Have fun with your husband back!


Yipee! What a great feeling to have all that behind you guys! Micah has ALWAYS had such great business sense. Adding an awesome wife and supportive family means you guys can do anything!!!! I can't wait to see what the future holds for your family :)

The Smith's

Congratulations to Micah!!! That is so great! And what an even greater accomplishment with a young family and all at home~ Kudos to you Micha!


Congratulations to Micah and your family. What a great accomplishment. I am so happy for you all. What a great picture of your family!

Jenni S

How AWESOME!!! Congrats guys! What a great night.


K...I still don't know what a PMBA is? =)
And ps...Congrats to you Kenz...Its no easy task being a single mommy, or at least thats what it feels like at times! You guys are both super awesome...Now someone please tell your dorky blonde neighbor what a PMBA is!


Sorry Kelly, that was an MBA. For some reason I was thinking PMBA because it was the Professional Master's of Business Administration program. But it's just the latter of that. Congrats to the both of you for Jeff's graduation. I had no idea he was in school too. If I would have know we could have spent more time commiserating.

Do you have a blog?




Congrats Micah - we're glad we could celebrate with you - both in our own ways. :)