Monday, October 17, 2011

Honk Honk

While sitting in church yesterday, there was a mission homecoming of a couple in our ward who served an 18 month mission in Hong Kong. What's crazy about that is we have lived here long enough that we were here in Henderson when they left on their mission. It was a funny Sacrament Meeting not only because I realized that we have lived here for quite some time (man, time flies), but I was also reminded of a funny thing Avery did when they left a year and a half ago. When they spoke in church before they left on their mission, that evening sitting around the dinner table we were talking as a family about church that day. Avery chimed in on the conversation by saying something to the effect of "I just don't know why they kept saying honk honk in church today." It"s so fun to be reminded of the cute things my kids say.

They also practiced for the Primary Program yesterday. I look forward to that one time a year that the Primary children take over Sacrament meeting. Well, I guess it's my favorite Sunday if I can sit back and watch without any responsibility. I can appreciate the hard work that goes into it, but I would just rather watch. I was told after their practice that when it was Aliza's turn to say her part in the microphone she leaned over to her teacher and said "I can do this myself," and then proceeded to say her line. I love her independent personality even at four years old. I can't wait to see the whole program next week.