Sunday, August 8, 2010

She did it!

Avery has been dreading this day for years, but she made it through. A few years back it was discovered that she had an extra tooth growing up in her gums in between her front permanent teeth. It was the strangest looking tooth growing up towards her nose rather than down like it should have been. We waited a few years for her to be old enough to have the anesthesia in the doctors office. The dreaded day came and she was very brave. Micah and I have said for the longest time that it was too bad it was Avery only because she is terrified of needles and/or doctors of any kind. I think this has to do with having two sets of tubes in her ears and her nervous personality. In fact when Abbie had to have four teeth pulled a few years back she just giggled through the whole procedure (she loves doctors or dentists). I was even starting to wonder if Avery would walk into the surgeons office or if I would have to take her kicking and screaming. To my surprise she was very brave. She had a lot of tears, but was only really panicked at the very last 30 seconds before she fell asleep.

I feel so blessed to have listened to the spirit in picking a doctor that would work so well with Avery. Having only lived in Nevada for a short time we did go to a pediatric dentist that I knew nothing about. I figured we would just give him a try, and as he was explaining the procedure for Avery I just had a feeling that he would not be a great pick for her. I felt really uncomfortable with his office and decided to research other options. When I found Dr. Moxley I just had that feeling after talking to them over the phone that it was the right place for us. I made the appointment and all of my worry about the surgery disappeared. I was comforted in knowing that we were in the right place. On the day of the surgery I couldn't have asked for his nurses to be any kinder. They walked Avery through every step so that she would not have any surprises or "scary things" as they put it. They let me be with her until she was completely asleep. In fact in our first meeting of the Doctor it was apparent to me that he was indeed LDS. Found out that he lives in our stake and his kids attend the same school. Not that you have to be LDS to be a good doctor, but it was apparent by the feeling that I had that we were in good hands.

Avery did really well and got the surprise of losing her two front baby teeth that day also in the procedure. She only had a few stitches and by the night of her surgery she was doing really well. It really helped that two of her cousins were flying in to spend time with us that very same day. She was so excited to see them that I think she forgot about most of the pain. Even more exciting that the tooth fairy paid her a visit for three teeth at the same time. :)



GREAT JOB AVERY!!! Since you were so brave we decided to drive Shad all the way down to your house for a visit and to give you a hug and snuggle for being so brave! I hate needles and the dentist too, and my dad is a dentist!


What a trooper!

Annette and Del

It is so great when you have a good feeling about a doctor when you are in a new area. The spirit of discernment is can be so strong when we have so many concerns...Good job,mom,!! Congratulations to Avery for being so brave..."A high five" just for you!! Aunt Annie..


She's so cute! Glad she could be so brave!

Jenni S

Oh, I'm glad it went well and that it's over. The over part is the best! :)

The Smith's

Very brave Avery! Cayden looks almost like Her right now with his front teeth missing and talking with a lisp. =)