Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pioneer Day Activities and Stuff

We love the annual Pioneer Day celebration that our Stake is involved in. Other than it is always one of the hottest days of the year, we always have a great time. Every time we come prepared with lots of water and sun screen.

Our Primary was able to ride on this cute float and throw candy out during the parade. Abbie wasn't going to ride because she technically isn't in Primary anymore, but Lucas was wanting to sit on her lap. She will do anything for him.

They were even pulled by this beautiful tractor. The rest of the day was full of snow cones, games, cotton candy, and all sorts of fun pioneer activities. Aliza really enjoyed making a colorful noodle necklaces and candle.

While Micah was out working in the yard last week he found this tiny little lizard. We all had fun watching it and then letting it go. So cute!

Aliza has not been enjoying tennis lately because she claims that it is too hard. Their coach really does make them work, but it's so good for them. I actually overheard her saying to someone that she always doesn't want to go, but once she is there she has a lot of fun. Last week I kind of bribed her with a Slurpee to go without complaint. I found it so cute that she picked this very large straw to drink it with.

Abbie now has a Pinterest account and is having fun posting different craft activities to try. One afternoon she decided to try this crayon melting craft. It was messy, but fun.