Thursday, May 16, 2013

Phillips Fun

Aliza is into drawing pictures for everyone. She was really proud to send this one to her dad through text while he was at work. Our cat is still in love with Micah and he isn't so thrilled about it. The past few times we have tried to go on a walk with our whole family the cat would follow us too. We would get several blocks away and turn around because we are afraid she will keep following us and get lost. I know cats have a great sense of direction, but we didn't want to take our chances of losing her.

We had a few of Aliza's school/church friends over last week before school for a play date. When I dropped them off at school they had the idea to hold hands all the way to the gate. It was so cute I had to hop out of my car and take a picture. This is Jaycie, Aliza, Violet and MiKenzie.

Without planning it they got in order from tallest to shortest. They really are adorable.

They walked all the way to the gate just giggling and chatting together. Aliza has had a wonderful first year of school. I have been told by many of the moms that their child is just dying to be Aliza's friend. I don't think she isn't their friend, but she is outgoing and everyone wants to be with her. This year her class has started talking about crushes. We were discussing this with Aliza last night at dinner and she said "I'm like 100% in love George and 90% I love with Bryant." What??? We are in big trouble if she is starting this in Kindergarten.

Avery had a big week last week. She went to UNLV with the school choir on Monday, Tuesday they preformed for the school two times and the parents in the evening, then on Thursday they had some other school choirs travel to their school to listen to each other perform. You can't even see her in the picture, but she is on the very bottom right. Through the entire concert there were extremely tall people in front of us and then someone decided to record it with their iPad right in the spot to where I couldn't even see Avery. The school auditorium is definitely not made to hold all these people. There choir teacher does a wonderful job and Avery loved being in choir this year. To top that all off she had a violin recital Thursday night. It was a crazy week.

On the path that Abbie walks to school every day there was a lot of trash. This really bothered Abbie, so she asked if we could go clean it up. Saturday morning we all hopped in the car (except Micah because he was on a bike ride) and picked up the trash. I was proud of her for her willingness to take action and clean it up herself. For such a small area there was a lot of trash.

With temperatures in the high 90's and up to the 100's this week we are already spending a lot of time in the pool. The water temperature is perfect this time of year with the solar on. Such a great way to spend the afternoon.

I'm behind on this post because this was two weeks ago, but Avery had her NSA Spring recital. This concert is fun because they start with the most advanced pieces in the Suzuki books and then the students join in slowly as they work their way through the books backwards until they have the little twinkle students up there too. Avery received her book two trophy and has her book test next week. She has to remember all pieces in book one and two and composer names for her book test. She is practicing like crazy and has even made her way through the first few pieces in book three the past two weeks. She is amazing!