Thursday, February 21, 2013

Abbie turns 12

Having a birthday on a Saturday is always fun. Abbie woke up to a fun filled day. She started her day with crepes (her request) and then played a few hours of her favorite sport, tennis. She is training to start participating in tournaments and her birthday was her first day of training.

Outside was waiting for her a yard full of bee's welcoming her into Young Women's. I'm so excited to have Abbie in my Beehive class. Camp this year will be so much fun with Abbie there. I am looking forward to spending that time with her.

Abbie decided to collect money in leu of gifts at there birthday party to donate to the local Ronald McDonald house. On Abbie's actual birthday we were able to tour the Ronald McDonald house and present the checks to them. It was such a great experience meeting some of the families staying at the home, and learning exactly where there donated money is going. Between Abbie and Kiersten they raised $455. I was really proud of her for wanting to give instead of just receive gifts on her birthday.

Abbie's nickname in tennis is unicorn. Avery gave her this stuffed unicorn for her birthday, and Abbie loves it. We took this picture to send to her tennis coach just for fun.

Abbie was very excited to do baptisms for the dead, and decided she would like to do that for her birthday. It was such an amazing experience being at the temple with just Micah, Abbie and myself. We had the whole baptistry to ourselves, and she got a lot of special attention for it being her birthday and her first time there. It was a great experience. It was dark and cold so I didn't get a great picture, but you can kind of make her out in front of the Las Vegas temple.

After the temple we took her out for a special treat. She had been wanting to try this place called "The Crepe Shack" so that's where we went for a yummy treat.

She had to get a few silly poses in.

Abbie had a wonderful birthday, and really enjoyed getting packages and cards in the mail. We have wonderful family and friends that made it a special day for her. I still can't beleive she is 12 years old. She is turning into such a beautiful, smart, kind young woman. She is going to do amazing things in her life and I can't watch her grow. She is such a wonderful daughter and I feel so blessed that she is in our family. Happy Birthday Abbie!



Hi Kenzy! I am all caught up on the last couple months of your blog! I love when you comment on mine cuz it reminds me to read yours! HA! Anyway, I can't believe you have a 12 year old now! Oh my gosh your girls are getting so big and they all look just like you!! :) I love you thankful jar at Thanksgiving....what a fun idea for the family! And it looks like you've taken 2 cruises! That Carribean one looks amazing! The one you did with your girls at Christmas, was it the 3 day Baja one?? Did you guys love it or would you recommend it?? Jeremiah and I have never been on a cruise and we would love to do one soon! :) Hope you guys are doing well!! I love your blog! :)