Thursday, September 22, 2011

Aliza's Two Wheeler

Last night while Abbie, Avery and I were at the church, Micah was able to spend a little one on one time with Lizzie. They decided to go on a bike ride and Micah noticed that she was balancing really well, so he asked her if they should take off her training wheels. At first he said she looked kind of confused, but then was just bursting with excitement once she figured out what he was doing. To our surprise she just took off. She looks so tiny riding her bike.

One happy girl!

She was so excited to take some pictures. Here she comes....

I'm so glad it is getting cooler outside so we can ride bikes again. Way to go Lizzie!



Good for Lizzie!!!!
Sure is growing up too fast...

Jenni S

That is awesome! We tried that with Katelin the other day since her training wheels broke, but she wouldn't have it. Maybe if I show he this she'll want to try again. I'm going to give it a go! :)


Way to go Lizzie! Shad will be right behind you, even if he can't pedal!


That is awesome Aliza! I think it's so cool how she figured it out so quick!


What a big girl!!! :) How cute!! And I cannot believe how much she has grown....I remember when I was your VT and she was just born! CRAZY!!!