Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Time

I just can't even believe that Christmas time is here again. Though we are still unpacking box after box we have made time for some fun family activities. My parents and sister came into town right after Thanksgiving. We were able to show them our home, and hit the tree lighting in Henderson. They had carriage rides, fireworks, and of course welcomed the big red guy for the Christmas season. We had a lot of fun watching the huge tree light up and had a yummy dinner at Lucille's.

Wearing light jackets all of the time seems so strange to me at Christmas time. I'm looking forward to seeing snow when we travel back to Utah for the Holiday's.

Avery is always in the mood to strike a pose.

Last year a friend of ours blogged about her cute advent calendar. I somewhat copied her idea and made us an advent calendar of our own. Each night after homework is complete and we are ready for bed (that explains the PJs in these pictures) we open a box to find out what activity we will be doing that evening.

Our first night was decorating these yummy gingerbread cookies.

We've called family members to sing Christmas Carols, wrote letters to Santa, read Christmas stories, completed Christmas crafts, and even drank egg nog by candle light while telling our favorite Christmas memories.


I have been laughing at all the blow up snow men many people here have on their front lawns. It just seems so out of place for Vegas. But, then for one of the activities we made these snowfalkes to remind us of home. I guess paper snowfalkes on the windows is just as silly (especially with the pool out back).

While watching Mr. Kruger's Christmas we had a competition to see who could eat a candy cane the fastest without biting it. We all had a hard time not taking a bite. We also tried to take a silly family picture. Needless to say it did not go very well so we are not posting any of them at this time. Maybe we will try again another day.

We are all doing really good and can't wait for our trip to Salt Lake for Christmas. Abbie and Avery seem to be doing really well in school, and we are starting to feel a little bit more settled each day. Micah and I spoke in church today and are liking our new ward more and more each week. It's very different, but everyone is really nice and welcoming to our family. Abbie is really excited to go to activity days this week and we are really praying that our girls meet some good friends in our ward soon.



I love that your advent calendar has activities that is so fun! I am also totally jealous about the light jackets because it has been snowing like crazy here! Glad to see you are getting more and more settled and thanks so much for the toys> Sorry to hear you had to speak so soon but glad you like the ward. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Beverly B.

I love the advent calendar too!

The Kohler Family

Um...can you post instructions for that advent calendar?? It is way cute! Lovin the snowflakes in front of the pool too! :)

Jenni S

The snow flakes with the pool in the background cracked me up. I LOVE the advent calendar! That is adorable!!! I wish I could just run outside in a light jacket, but no, that's not happening.


Sounds like you guys are adjusting really well!! Glad you are liking the area!! =) And your advent calendar is SO cute!! =)


Your calendar is so cute. I am glad you guys are enjoying it. We still love ours. Loved all of the pictures. Glad you guys are settling in and doing well. Merry Christmas.


You are such a fun mom! I would like instructions on the advent calender too please. ;) How fun that you have a pool. That will make the scorching summers more bearable.


Give us a call- We need your new address to send a C-card. 770-542-9201 The Smith's