Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our Move

What an emotional few weeks we have had. We have spent the past few weeks cleaning, moving, and adjusting to life without our home. Just so you know this post is not for complaining because I know this move is the right thing for our family, but it has been very hard. I LOVED our home and neighbors. I think that I am really emotionally attached to this home because of all the hard work we put into it. Over the corse of eight years we truly made it OUR home. Putting in a yard, finishing the basement, and painting every room one at a time to mention a few. We are really going to miss it.

Luckily my parents were kind enough to let us move in with them so that my girls could still attend the same school. We miss our friends and neighbors terribly. They are still so sweet to invite me over every once in a while to just catch up or for the girls to play. I will always miss just heading out my back door to the neighbors any time of the day. Sometimes that was my sanity break. I don't know how I am going to live without that.

In trying to keep the move "fun" we did have a few fun going away parties. We had a few BBQ's with friends and a small going away party for a few of Abbie and Avery's school friends. It's kind of strange because they can still see their friends at school, but we can't just call and invite them over to play anymore.

This is Abbie with her friends Kaycie and Courtney. They had a great time at the party making picture frames to hold each others picture, eating yummy snacks, and just spending some fun time together. They are all excited to be pen pals.

I couldn't for the life of me get a good picture of these three. They were all being too silly.

On the day that they were packing up our house (we were given movers to pack and load our stuff into storage) our hamster of three years died. We knew that she wouldn't last much longer, but she chose that day of all days to die on us. Abbie is always insistent that we have a full funeral when any of our pets die. I will never forget us having this "funeral" in the backyard while the packers were just working around us. They must have thought we were absolutely crazy.

Well, Micah is still in Las Vegas without us. We miss him so much and can't wait for our family to be together again. We did put an offer in on a home but it is a short sale which basically means that it will take a long time to go through the banks process. They gave us an estimate of sixty days. We have heard a lot of horror stories of it taking much longer so lets hope that we are not one of those cases. We feel blessed that our agent in Vegas worked so hard to get us this home. Within days homes are being sold. She really had to do some sweet talking for us to get the contract. The first home that we put an offer in on had fifteen other offers. Needless to say we didn't get that home, but everything happens for a reason I guess. We both feel like this home is where we need to be. It has everything we need, and it's in a great area with one of the best schools in the state. Lets all keep our fingers crossed that it all works out.


Julie Hunt

Thanks for the update. I was wondering if you were in Vegas yet. Sorry to hear about the hamster. :(


I will keep all my fingers crossed for you. I hope it works out quickly for you. I'm so glad we have our blogs to keep in touch. We miss you girls and hopefully we can see you sometime before you move to Vegas.


You are already missed!! It is fun to be able to see you up at the school still, and at church. You are such a good mom, making the move fun. We will keep you in our prayers that you will get the house. Good luck!!

Jenni S

I hope the house goes through soon too so you can be together again. That would be so hard. Hang in there Kenz! Love you!!!


Good luck with everything! I am so glad we can still keep in touch and I hope you guys can get that house!


these are exciting and family strengthening times. It is so wonderful and I am happy for you. When all of your stuff is in boxes and your house is gone, all of the sudden you realize you have everything you need.....your family and God. Good Luck! I will be thinking and praying for you. Yippeee that you had someone pack you up your stuff :) Love Katy

Annette and Del

Kenzy!! We have moved so many times and been separated, it is so hard at times to have so much responsibility without your mate next to you to give you the strength you need. We use to have horrendous phone bills, because it was before cells. Any way hang in there, reunions are sweet, and remember it is just a house you are leaving, you take your "home" with you where ever you go. Each home will be yours...I always thought of the women leaving their new houses in Nauvoo, just to go over the river and start over with out their new houses.....It is still hard, but it does help a little to soften the sadness..???
xo Aunt Annie

Annette and Del

Kenzy!! We have moved so many times and been separated, it is so hard at times to have so much responsibility without your mate next to you to give you the strength you need. We use to have horrendous phone bills, because it was before cells. Any way hang in there, reunions are sweet, and remember it is just a house you are leaving, you take your "home" with you where ever you go. Each home will be yours...I always thought of the women leaving their new houses in Nauvoo, just to go over the river and start over with out their new houses.....It is still hard, but it does help a little to soften the sadness..???
xo Aunt Annie


I'm so glad you were able to have that party for the girls - I'm sure they had a blast with their friends! I'm so excited for you guys and can't wait to be able to see your new home because I know you will make it so cute and make so many memories there!

P.S. Thank goodness for pictures of your old house so you can always remember it :)

The Smith's

Hey guys~
Good "luck" in Vegas! Every thing will be great! I hope where ever you land that it has room for visitors as we love that city, the clean fun parts anyway. =)
Just remember- Life is an adventure and the best lives are adventurous!

The Smith's

Are Wade & Amy still living in Vegas? I can't remember where they were last, but how strange would that be?