Sunday, September 8, 2013


We were able to take a trip this Summer to visit my parents who moved a few months back. They were looking to move away from the city and found a beautiful home in the small town of Scipio. On our many trips to Salt Lake over the past few years I don't think we have ever even stopped for gas in this small town. 

Their home is beautiful and spacious. It's lovely just sitting out on their back patio in the evenings and enjoying the country air. We were able to get out my dads BB guns and shoot some pop cans. I have so many memories of shooting these guns with my dad. My parents owned a home in Redmond Utah when I was growing up. My dad grew up in the home, and we spent many weekends and Summer days there. I remember spending hours and hours shooting at pop cans. The girls did pretty good for their first time shooting.

Aliza needed me to help her shoot, so this is what she did while she waited. Silly girl!

We spent one day traveling to Richfield which is where my mom is from. I wanted to go see my grandparents old home which looked so awful compared to when my grandparents lived there. The new owners have old broken down cars where my grandpa used to have a beautiful, big garden. It was still fun to drive by, and my mom gave us a good tour of the cemetery where her family is buried. I have such wonderful memories of my grandparents that it was fun to visit for the day.

While at my parents we had my mom help us make a poodle skirt for Abbie. Abbie did a great job cutting out the pattern and sewing it all together. You will have to wait until Halloween to see the finished project.

We took a day trip to Provo for some back to school shopping and pedicures.

My parents own a golf cart that the girls love to drive around on. It works out perfect in this small town because they can just drive all over. They drive around on all back roads looking at the horses, barns, old cemeteries and whatever there is to see. After seeing all of these fun, old buildings I decided that we needed to do a impromptu photo shoot. Here are a few of my favorites......