Friday, March 1, 2013

Walk A Thon

Avery and Aliza's school had their first annual Walk A Thon last weekend. Aliza went first at 9:00am with the Kindergarten and first graders. It was a lot of fun with music playing, free treats, and they even had people dressed up as fruits and vegetables giving them high fives along the track.

She ended up running the track with her friend Hadlie from her class at school. You can see them in the picture up above running together. They would run hard past where all the parents were taking pictures, and then walk and chat the rest of the way. Smart girls.

Avery joined Aliza the last few laps when she was getting tired.

Unfortunately, when we went back for Avery's age group at 11:00am the wind had picked up and was blowing dirt like crazy. She did a few laps, but then when we were just getting dirt in our eyes and were a bit miserable we left. It was a fun event that I hope they continue next year.

A few months back Aliza was shopping with Micah and I when we discovered this amazing scarf/hat. She modeled for a few pics..........

Not sure why this baby was on clearance? (haha) Can't believe they even sale that in Vegas where are winters are so mild. Well, we had a good giggle.


The Smith's

Hey guys-
It has been a while since we looked at your blog, We are slackers!!!
Your Christmas Cruise looked like so much fun! We were on that same ship several years back and I also remember the Harry Potter Library! Mormons and cruises seem to go together it seems as there are always two or three others is our experience as well. Great to see you guys on the Blog, and we also have news for everyone out west- check out our Blog! We hope to see you guys in person sometime in the future!


HAHAHA Aliza cracks me up. I read the comment from your above smith friends and checked out her blog like she said to. Don't get any ideas.