Thursday, January 17, 2013

December Ice Skating

We were able to go to Lake Las Vegas while the kids were on winter break. It was so warm outside that there was a water puddle in the middle of the rink. At first they stayed away from the water, but kids will be kids and they all ended up with wet clothes by the end. It was a cold, wet ride home but hot chocolate from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory saved the day.

Micah gets the father of the year award for going out with Aliza. She has had to just watch the other girls skate that past few years because they didn't have ice skates small enough for her. She was ecstatic when she found out that they had her size. It was the smallest size they carry, but they were finally able to fit her.

There was a very good ice skater showing off while we were there. I could tell Abbie and Avery were watching her very closely. Soon they were trying all sorts of twirls and tricks themselves. I was impressed that they tried and did pretty well at them.

At first Aliza was hanging on to the side railing, but it didn't take long for her to catch on and take off on her own.

Nice catch Micah. Notice even falling she had a big grin on her face.

Avery is standing in that lovely puddle in the middle of the rink. The kids were just flying through it and of course all took a turn falling in the cold water. BRRRRR

I don't know if you can see it, but right by Micah's face is a snow ball Aliza is throwing. Since we don't see snow too often anymore it really is a novelty that just was too tempting to gather up and throw.

The girls kept begging and begging to stay longer which leads me to believe that they had a great time. It was a fun day.

We tried a new place to eat called Nacho Daddy before ice skating. It was fun that they have a photo booth in the waiting area. Here are our silly little ladies.