Monday, October 10, 2011

Student of the Month

I'm such a proud mom! Last week Abbie was given the Student of the Month award. She was so excited and pleased that she was the first one for the year in her class. Micah had a meeting with one of her teachers last week who mentioned to him that she is a model student, always on task, and doing what she is asked. Those are always good things to hear when you are a parent.

Not only that, but she also ran for Choir President last week, and SHE WON. It was a wonderful week for her.

I was also very proud of her because they had Student Council elections last week. She had made the decision that because she was on Student Council last year, she would give someone else a chance by not running this year. I'm so proud of her for being so thoughtful, and putting others before herself. I feel so lucky and blessed to be her mom.



Way to go Abbie !!!! We are SO proud of you for being such a GREAT girl..Love you..


That is awesome Abbie - congrats! I know she totally deserved it, and how great of her to be concerned for others.