Thursday, August 19, 2010

Swimming Lessons

We finished swimming lessons today. It was so fun to watch each of them progress over the past few weeks. All three of them passed off their level and can't wait to work on the next level.

At home I have Aliza in a life jacket in the pool so that I don't have to worry about her. She loved the freedom of no jacket at lessons. She has turned into a little fish.

I did learn that taking lessons in the middle of the Summer here in Vegas is not fun for the mom waiting outside of the water. It had to have been at least 120 degrees some days with the humidity of the indoor pool. Next time will either be at an outside pool or during the Fall through Spring sessions. It was too hot for my liking.



Those gals are sure changing in their looks//Not seeing them much
I can see they are growing up too fast! Great Swimmers!!