Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Avery's 6th Birthday

My "Sweet Ave's," as I call her, turned six on June 9th.  Due to a crazy last few weeks we celebrated several times with different groups of people. I haven't even had the opportunity to sit down and post pictures until now.  Micah was going to be on a business trip on her actual birthday, so her celebrations were a bit early so he could attend.   

We started the celebrations with a pool party for some of Avery's close friends. We set up a few pools, sprinklers and blew up a lot of water balloons.  The great game of "duck, duck, splash" was a hit along with other water balloon games.  
I think limbo was the best liked game of them all. I can't believe how flexible some of these little bodies are. We rented a limbo music CD from the library, and they just wanted to do it over and over again.

Of course she was insistent that the birthday girl goes first with ALL of the games.

This is Avery's cousin Zayden below who wins the award for flexibility.  
Can you believe this kid?

She looks like one happy camper.

The following day we had a pizza party with Micah's side of the family (pizza by her request of course.) I think I made a total of four batches of cupcakes or cake for this birthday girl before her celebrations were over.

I love this picture of Aliza completely enjoying her ice cream cone.

She was spoiled this year with a new scooter from her grandparents, and a much needed new bike from her mom and dad (some other fun stuff too).  She is set for a great Summer.

On her actual birthday Micah was in Florida for a conference.  We did a birthday dinner with her the night before he left and then my parents treated us to a movie and lunch on her actual birthday.  We had a lot of fun at the movie, but I didn't think to take any pictures.
After the movie just me and the girls played the rest of the day and ended up at the Olive Garden (per her request again) for dinner.  We had our own little girl's night that ended with, of course, a birthday song for the birthday girl. Avery really hated being the center of attention during the song, but I secretly think she loved it at the same time. Thats not all. Then when Micah and I left for our vacation she spent the day with my mom and sister who gave her a adorable pink bat and ball (a huge hit.) She had a very long drawn out birthday this year.  We sure love our Avery and I wish she would stop getting older! That goes for all of my kids.  I wish there was a pause button we could push every once in a while to keep them from growing up so fast.  Happy Birthday Avery!


The Kohler Family

I bet she loved having so many "parties!" Mya's b-day was May 25th and we haven't even had a party for her yet!


Yay for Avery and birthday parties! It was fun to see all the pics since we didn't get to be there - I'm so glad she had such a good birthday!


I was thinking about Avery on Logan's birthday since they share that special day. :) Looks like she had a super wonderful birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVERY!!!


What a lucky girl. Happy Birthday Avery!


Happy Birthday Avery! It sounds like she had quite the celebrations. Looks like a lot of fun! Very cute pictures.