Thursday, February 12, 2009

Abbie's 8th Birthday!

It was a party weekend at the Phillips household.  It started with a friend party on Saturday with 17 of Abbie's favorite friends and cousins. She really wanted to party in her PJ's this year so her friends came over for a PJ party.  We made pillowcases with their names on them, played lots of  pillow games and of course decorated and ate lots of cupcakes. The next day we had the Phillips side of the family over for another fun PJ party.  We all ate breakfast for dinner and just loved spending time together with our family.  I never pass up an opportunity to wear my comfy PJ's.

This is Abbie with her cousin Zoee on the left and sister Avery on the right.  I didn't notice until now, but I think they were getting into the makeup also.

Blowing out the 8 birthday candles.

On Abbie's actual birthday (Monday) her dad stayed home from work so he could eat lunch with her at school.  She had a great day at school and then we were able to meet up with my side of the family to take her to her favorite Chinese restaurant.  This is a picture of her favorite birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa Chidester.  Matching PJ's for her and her American Girl Doll.  I can't keep them washed fast enough because she wants to wear them every night.  She had a great Birthday, and I still can't believe she is 8 years old.  We are so blessed to have Abbie in our lives.  I wish she would stop growing up so fast.  She is really excited to attend her first Activity Days activity today after school.  CRAZY!


Jenni S

What a fun idea for a party! And I love her cake, that is really fun. I can't believe she had 17 friends and cousins over for a party and you're still alive!!! You are amazing!


Activity Days for Abby??? She is too young for that! :) She has grown so fast, I can't believe she is old enough for that stuff. You are so brave with the birthdays . . . what a nice mommy you are.


That looked like so much fun - what a cool theme! We definitely wish we could have been there for the family party but are glad you guys had a good time in your PJ's. :)