6 years ago
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas 2010
We started our Christmas celebrations this year on the 21st of December opening gifts from each other at our house. We ate breakfast for dinner in our PJ's to pretend that it was Christmas morning. Our annual shopping trip to buy gifts for each other is something I look forward to each year. It's always fun to see what they pick for each other.
This is a picture of the girls impatiently awaiting the go ahead to open presents. Two day's later we were headed off to Utah to spend the holiday with family. The girls were so excited to see snow that we packed all the snow gear in hopes of making a snow man. When we got there this is all there was. But of course Abbie couldn't help but run outside and make the best out of what snow was there.
This picture of them in the snow didn't turn out that great, but I think it's funny that Abbie's scarf landed right on her head for the picture. On the day of Christmas Eve we went to see the movie Tangled which was so cute, but Aliza thought it was a bit scary. She spent a lot of the show asking to go home.
Each Christmas Eve we have a fantastic connection with the North Pole because Santa always arrives at the Phillips family Christmas Eve party. All of us young or old get a chance to sit on Santa's lap for one last request before the big night. You can tell Aliza is willing to sit on his lap, but still a little nervous. This is the first Christmas that all of our kids were ready and willing to talk to Santa. Nobody was clinging to me or hiding in the other room. It was nice.
Abbie played a wonderful duet this year for Santa with her cousin Zoee on the violin. They played We Wish You a Merry Christmas with great confidence. Santa enjoyed it so much he asked to hear another carol next year. Can't wait to see what they come up with. If you know Abbie you know she will be literally thinking about it all year to prepare.
Avery was thrilled to get a Barbie doll from Santa on Christmas Eve. Her comment to me was that he really must have read the letter she mailed a few weeks prior. I'm sure he did.
Christmas morning was so much fun this year. Aliza was asking for a new doll and roller skates which he did deliver. She was ecstatic and couldn't wait any longer to break into the skates. She got pretty good at them on the carpet. On a slicker floor is another story.
Our kids must have been really good this year because Santa brought both Abbie and Avery Nintendo DSi's. They have been begging for them for quite some time and they worked out great to keep kids entertained for the long car ride home. Aliza did get a Leapster to keep her entertained.
Later that day we were able to visit with Great Grandma Joy and Grandpa Alvin, then we headed over to my parents for more present opening. We stayed with my parents for a few nights so we could attend our old ward in Saratoga Springs. I still can't put into words the way I felt at our old ward. When we walked in we were greeted with hugs and happy hello's that made it hard to hold back the tears, but I did. Then after the meeting we were able to see so many people we have missed dearly. Abbie made the comment later that evening that it felt like she was a movie star with everyone surrounding her. I thought that was a funny comparison. Oh, how I have missed our old ward and our friends in Saratoga.
This is Aliza Christmas morning wearing her stocking stuffers from Santa. We of course had to try them all on before breakfast. My mom put together a yummy after Christmas lunch Sunday afternoon which was perfect. We were able to visit with my sister and her family that afternoon. Monday morning we headed over to play with friends (the Hacketts) for most of the day. We ended the evening with our dear friends the Bass family to have dinner and walk around temple square. It was a perfect evening other than the fact that absolutely no food area's were open. We tried many places and they were either too busy or closed. After walking around for quite some time we just hit Trax over to the Gateway to grab a bite to eat. It was so fun to be in Utah again. I didn't realize how much I do miss it. We made it home Tuesday mid afternoon with the luck of not hitting a single snow storm going to or from Utah. We are now enjoying our time together before it all starts up again Monday morning. Yuck!
Christmas Traditions
It seems like every time the Christmas season comes around we look forward to the same fun traditions every year. This year Abbie started us a new one that was a lot of fun. She was practically begging me to have some friends over to act out the Nativity which I was really hesitant to do for some reason. Then when I realized that she could plan this activity to pass off a project for Activity Days I decided to let her take charge. She made invitations, assigned everyone parts, and even made refreshments. I was very appreciative of the other families who came dressed in their parts, and took the time out of their busy schedule to help Abbie. We had a lot of fun and learned how we can make improvements for next year.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Holiday Activities
It's been a very busy month for the Phillips family. Between school, church, and getting together with friends we've had a very busy season. The videos are in raw form for those who want to watch the whole thing (i.e. grandmas). First is Abbie's singing performance at the elementary. She's been putting in extra time with rehearsals and here is one number of her performance. We love to here her sing around the house, and she's enjoyed being in the choir.
Aliza and Avery have both been putting in time at dance and we have a video with each of them at their recital. It was fun to watch them perform. This was Aliza's first "on stage" experience, and she did really well with it. Avery was so pleased with the whole experience that she characterized it as the best day ever. Aliza is the second one in from the left on this first video.
Both girls in dance were easy to spot from a distance because they always seem to be the shortest ones. They each did a great job, and we are very proud of them.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Lion King
After a year of talking about wanting to see the Lion King we finally did it. We were able to go last Saturday with The Sondrop family in our ward that we just love.
We did leave Aliza at home with a babysitter because I just didn't think she would enjoy the show for a whole two hours. Which also meant that we wouldn't be enjoying the show either. I felt guilty about leaving her at first, but after talking to her she was so thrilled to have one of her favorite babysitters coming over for pizza and treats. She didn't seem to feel left out at all. The Sondrups have a cute little boy who also stayed at home with them that she loves to play with.
It really was AMAZING!!! This is a picture of our cute kids before the show. Both Abbie and Avery are begging to go see it again. Avery taped all sorts of Lion King pictures on her bedroom door, and the songs are being sung over and over again at our house. We all had a great time, and we are so glad we finally made it to the show.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thanksgiving in San Diego
We had the wonderful opportunity to visit San Diego for the whole week of Thanksgiving this year. My mom had the wonderful idea of renting a beach house as our Christmas gift. I loved this idea considering my kids have enough "stuff" and they really don't need a lot for Christmas. I figure spending quality time with the family is better than more "stuff" any day.
It was so nice being right by the beach. We could go out for a walk, play in the sand, or go on a sea shell hunt at any time we wanted. In fact it was so hard to pry the kids away from the sand once they started digging with their shovels. We were lucky to get them inside long enough to eat Thanksgiving dinner with us.
We had passes for Sea World, Wild Animal Park and The San Diego Zoo. We took full advantage of being able to visit these parks whenever, and as much as we wanted that week. We even spent two full days at Sea World, and one full day each at the other parks. The picture above is at the Wild Animal Park. They were a few wild animals themselves. :)
It really was fun to ride in the bus/train (I'm not sure what they call it) through the wild animal park. We were able to see a few new baby giraffes and learn some fun facts about the animals there.
I think all of us really enjoyed feeding the birds nectar at the Wild Animal Park. The birds would just hop right on your arm for a treat.
Aliza was thrilled considering she had just purchased a bird stuffed animal from the gift store. I love this picture because you can see the excitement on her face.
Like I mentioned before we did spend two full days at Sea World. They were begging to go back right after we left the first day, so we went back for more. Avery and Aliza LOVED the tram ride that took you over the ocean. We did that two times too.
In Sea World they do have a fun section with a Sesame Street theme. It was full of rides and fun activities for young kids. Aliza was in heaven.
Abbie and Avery claimed that they were too big for Sesame Street, but they seemed to be having a great time too. All of the rides seemed to be suited for all ages.
Abbie's favorite activity of the whole trip was feeding the sea lions. She used her own money to buy fish for them to eat (3 times), and to my surprise she didn't even mind handling the dead yucky fish (Eeeww). It was fun to see all the sea lions begging for food. We just had to watch out for the swooping seagulls overhead who were very aggressive. Micah and I would have to be on lookout whenever she brought out a fish to feed them.
The girls loved the shows which we did see a few of them twice too. It really is amazing what they can do with these animals. Both days that we were there it never seemed overly crowded which was nice. We were always able to get in to see the shows, and never waited in line for anything.
Our last day in California we did attempt the Zoo. Unfortunately everyone else in California was there that day too. It was REALLY busy, and a bit cold that day so I didn't get many pictures. We did wait in line 30 minutes to see a new panda bear cub which was really cute. The mom panda and the baby were playing together which was fun to watch. The mother actually chased the baby up the tree and shook the baby out of the tree. As the crowd gasped the zookeeper informed everyone that it was normal for them to do this, and the baby was fine. Interesting way to toughen up your baby I suppose. We had a fantastic trip! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Chidester!!!
We made a lot of sand angels which would leave lots and lots of sand everywhere that I'm surprisingly still finding in the laundry.
Not to mention sand in their ears. I don't know how they managed to get so much sand in their ears. Yuck!
Abbie was always so torn trying to figure out which one to feed. They had their begging down pretty well.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mt. Charleston
A few Saturday's ago we decided to take a one hour drive to Mt. Charleston for a hike. We had heard that there was a little bit of snow on the mountains, so we didn't know quite what to expect. We didn't see any snow, but they were getting all of the ski slopes ready for the winter season. It was still fun to see the ski lodge and get more familiar with the area.
Where we chose to hike wasn't the most beautiful in terms of tall trees with fall leaves, but we made the most of it. It was the perfect temperature outside for hiking. My favorite part of the hike was eating pine nuts right from the pine cones on the ground. The girls had so much fun picking out the nuts and eating them all along the trail. It reminded me of my cute Grandpa Kent who would always have pine nuts at his house whenever we would visit. It was so fun to remember him and share some stories about him with my girls while we hiked.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Halloween Continued.....
Our Halloween festivities felt like they just kept going and going this year. I didn't realize how much I really do love Halloween. I was just as excited as the kids to figure out their costumes and decorate the house. We started out the festivities with a school trunk or treat and carnival. Their new school really does know how to throw a party. I'm always shocked at how much time and money they put into all activities.
Aliza had her face painted at the festival. She was thrilled with her kitty whiskers. We also attended a ward trunk or treat, and Aliza's nursery teacher was kind enough to invite us over for a little get together.
Because we didn't head home to visit family for Halloween like I had originally planned, we decided to have a little party for the girls instead. We had so much fun planning and buying fun supplies for the party.
The mummy wrap was very popular this year considering they did it at each of the school parties too. Each group decided who they were going to wrap. It just so happened that they picked Abbie, Avery and Aliza to be mummified. I had to keep checking to make sure they could breath.
It wouldn't be a Halloween party without the doughnut on a string game. Micah tied three at a time on a stick. It was so funny to watch each of them try to eat the doughnut.
It was taking them so long that we finally had to give a time limit and then decide between the three which was the winner.
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